aws Creative Impact special terms and conditions: achieving market readiness

This information gives an overview of particular specifications in the aws programme aws Creative Impact.

These terms are aimed at innovative projects whose economic feasibility is plausible and transparent. It promotes the implementation and market readiness of innovative products, processes, business models and services beyond high tech.

The content feasibility has already been reviewed and first prototypes and applications exist. The submitted project focuses on development steps aimed at achieving market readiness.The innovation can be further developed, updated, tested and adapted as part of the project so that it can subsequently be launched on the market successfully. Necessary steps can be taken to ensure mass production or usability by a broad market segment.

The projects exhibit a very high degree of innovation. That means that the solutions being developed do not yet exist on the market in this form or are a considerable improvement over existing solutions. The innovation has the potential to drive positive social or industry-specific change. 

The projects are related to one of the following the industries: digitalisation, social impact, design (incl. fashion & graphics), architecture, gaming, film/music distribution or technology.

For example, know-how generated in these industries is integrated into the innovations, or know-how is generated by the project for one of these industries.

  • Companies in the process of being formed, SMEs
  • The project has a high degree of innovation
  • The project is financially driven
    (not purely for non-profit, cultural or artistic purposes)
  • The economic feasibility is plausible
  • First prototypes/applications already exist
  • The project includes innovative development steps

Funding amount

Up to 200,000 euros, but 50% of eligible project costs max

Project term

3 year at the most


You will receive the grant in 3 tranches upon reaching predefined milestones.

  • Tranche 1: 30 % of the confirmed grant awarded after project start
  • Tranche 2: 40 % of the confirmed grant awarded after investment of 50% of the total project costs
  • Tranche 3: 30 % of the confirmed grant awarded after project completion
  • Application via aws Fördermanager
  • The project presentation includes pitch deck and the integral planning (excel).
  • The initial evaluation is carried out online.
  • The finalists will be invited to the live jury, which will make a funding recommendation.
  • No submission possible.

Duration of the approval process

The process from application to final decision lasts 3–4 months.

Service line for specific questions regarding the application and programme:

Phone: +43 1 501 75-880 

Serviceline e-Mail: