aws Digitalization - special Terms / Conditions AI-Adoption "AI-A"
Members of the jury
The list is in alphabetical order.
Eva Eggeling

Eva Eggeling studied applied mathematics in Bonn and completed her doctorate at the University of Cologne. She has been Head of the Visual Computing division in Graz since 2008 and has been Head of the Innovation Centre for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence since 2019.
Isabella Hinterleitner

Isabella Hinterleitner completed her doctorate in electrical engineering and electronics at the Vienna University of Technology. She works as a lecturer at BFI Vienna, is a member of the supervisory board of "Women in AI Austria" and founder of TechMeetsLegal.
Florian Matusek

Florian Matusek holds a Master's degree in Computer Graphics & Image Processing and a PhD in Information Processing Science. He is co-founder of KiwiSecurity and Director at Genetec in the field of video analytics and has published several patents in the field of video surveillance.
Clara Neppel

Clara Neppel completed her doctorate in natural sciences at the Technical University of Munich. She is a participant in the OECD Network of Experts on Artificial Intelligence (ONE AI), a member of the Austrian AI Advisory Board and Senior Director European Operations at IEEE.
Hannes Schill

Hannes Schill holds a degree in business administration (BA Stuttgart) and an MBA from the Truck School of Business (Dartmouth College, USA). He is an investment manager at a corporate venture capital company in the field of renewable energies and cleantech, a member of the aws Seedfinancing Assessment Panel (Investment Committee Member) and a partner at eCapital Enterpreneurial Partners