Our offer to you
aws Preseed - Innovative Solutions

With aws Preseed - Innovative Solutions, we finance and support projects in all sectors with an innovative start-up idea that generates positive social added value (impact) beyond company boundaries and high market opportunities within the framework of scalable business models. Funding is provided for an initial "proof of concept" in the pre-start-up and early start-up phase.

Further details can be found in the program document. We have already summarized the most frequently asked questions for you in the FAQs. 

aws Preseed - Innovative Solutions (in brief)

What is supported?

Proof of concept


all sectors (with the exception of deep tech)


Target group

innovative, impact-oriented start-up projects (outside the deep tech sector)


Funding procedure/instrument

Call | Grant


Funding Volume

Volume up to EUR 89,000.00 
At least 10% of the total costs must be raised from the financial resources of the (future) shareholders.

Gender bonus: If, at the time the grant is awarded, the project includes (one or more) women who (will in future) own more than 25% of the shares, the grant awarded increases to up to 90% of the eligible costs or a maximum of EUR 100,000.

Project duration

1 year


Submission deadline



Duration of the authorization

Several decision dates per year

Success rate

10 %


aws Preseed - Innovative Solutions (Details)

Protect innovations properly!

We help you to maximize the potential of your intellectual property! In our customized and confidential consultations and workshops, you will receive well-founded insights and strategies on how to protect your innovations and thus gain valuable and sustainable competitive advantages. Find out more on the aws iP Coaching website. 


Our service hours for specific questions:

Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 14:00

T +43 1 501 75-880
E innovativesolutions@aws.at