Preparing self-employment and defining the first steps
awsFirst Incubator
With aws First Incubator, we support young, innovative people on their way to having their first very own company – with a dash of entrepreneurial spirit, with guidance and resources, and with professional coaching and financial support, and with the aws first community and a network of experts.
The objective of the business promotion programme is economically sustainable as well as competitive, economically independent, innovative and technology-driven or impact-driven companies with distinctive research and development activities and the transfer of university and non-university research findings into competitive products, procedures or services. Overall, the attractiveness and thereby the number of company start-ups should be increased in the Deep Tech and High-Tech area and in the Impact area, and the situation of start-ups in the area of Intellectual Property improved. Consultancy services of aws on founding, growth and innovation protection make an important contribution to this.