The aws, together with the BMK as strategic partner, is a project partner of the EU project PLAN-C as part of the Interreg Danube program. The program has a duration of three years and started in January 2024. The consortium consists of a total of fourteen partner organizations from nine different European regions. Further information about the project, the project partner organizations, the organizations addressed and current developments can be found at Interreg-Danube
The transnational action plan Plan-C aims to create a unique strategic tool to communicate the benefits of the circular economy throughout the Danube region's plastics value chain to contribute to the EUSDR objectives. Addressees are business support organizations and policy makers in the partner regions as well as in other Danube countries.
The Action Plan should contain jointly developed recommendations for measures to promote the development of sustainable and circular products in an implementable form and contribute to accelerating the transition to circular business cooperation between the actors of the plastics value chain, specifically plastics processing companies and the machinery industry.
To ensure that the proposed PLAN-C measures are put into practice beyond the project duration, all partners will use the action plan as a basic reference in regional meetings with industry representatives, actors of the regional innovation system and policy makers. At the final project conference, the action plan will be presented to target groups at political level to further promote its adoption in industry-related policies.
Here you can find more information about the project Interreg-Danube as well as the LinkedIN page of the project.
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