
[Translate to English:] aws IÖB-Toolbox-Icon

aws IÖB Toolbox

The aws IÖB Toolbox is intended for Austrian public procurers who want to make use of more innovations in the public sector.

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IPCEI - Important Projects of Common European Interest

aws has been successfully participating in EU projects as a partner and a project manager since 2006. These projects are mainly classified into the areas of innovation, digitisation, creative business and transdisciplinarity.

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RCIA - Regional Creative Industries Alliance

aws is the coordinator of the RCIA, an EU project within the Interreg Europe programme. The programme lasts for five years and started January 2017. The consortium consists of nine partners from nine different European regions. More information about the project, the project partners, the addressed policy instruments and the latest developments can be found at www.interregeurope.eu/rcia.

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FISA - Film Industry Support Austria

FISA – Film Industry Support Austria is the public funding scheme of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) to fund movies.

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[Translate to English:] aws LISA - Life Science Austria

aws LISA - Life Science Austria

Life Science Austria (LISA) promotes the life science sector in Austria on the international stage and is the first point of call for enquiries relating to it.”

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